Monday, May 31, 2010

Cinderella Story

I'm fond of reading fairy tales since I love them and I love the way they end: " Happily Ever After. " I even wish my life to be like those in a fairy tale. That a prince charming is going to save me form a witch and love me forever and live happily ever after. :) well that was when I was still a little girl back then. :)

Let's face reality. I do face reality. Reality is my story. But I add a little taste of fairy tale to spice everything up. :) I want my story to be like those of childhood best friends. Two friends would go on the either side of a diverging road and someday they'll meet again. In the same place where they had met before. The boy has grown to be a knight in shining armor (not literally) where he is a gentleman soldier who is always there for the girl he loves. When these two friends meet again, they wouldn't be able to recognize each other. They'd be spending time together each day that pass as they share about their childhood best friend. The boy would confess how much he love his best friend even though they were still young and that he wished that they'd see again and when they do, he'd ask her to be his girl and maybe when the right time comes, he'd marry him. While the girl on the other hand shares how much she loves her childhood friend more than a best friend. She'd say that if he was her childhood best friend, she'd greatly say yes and she'd marry him in time. :) They never knew each other's name by then. The boy will ask the girl her name and the girl said her name while the boy's eyes grew big and teary and would hug the girl. The girl would be puzzled and ask why? The boy would then say his name and the girl would hug him tighter. They'd be tied in that hug. that hug would be as if their reunion. Few days later, they'd be together forever. :)

I know it doesn't sound like a Cinderella story. but i like it calling it that way. :) I have a vast imagination, don't I? :)

" He dances with Cinderella and never miss a song, since he knew something the Prince never knew. He dances with Cinderella with she is still in his arms, cause soon it'll strike midnight and she'd be gone.." :)

I love Cinderella

i'm getting crazy ._.

well, I AM crazy. I guess it's supposedly I'm getting crazier.

I don't know why. Of course most of crazy people don't know why they are crazy, ayt? Anyway, I think I getting crazier of the things that happened these past few days. :) Let's see:
[/] Best Friend Called
[x] Seen my Crush
[/] Spent time with my crazy cousins
[/] Kept on hearing Taylor Swift's and Justin Bieber's songs.
[x] I talked to my lunatic younger brother.
[/] oh God, I don't know what to do.
[/] boredom won't leave me. :(
[/] I'm confused
[/] I'm getting crazier. ;)
[x] Fall for me, please? e.e
[/] My phone if full of G.M. (group messages) and it's killing me.
[/] Curiousity
[x] No Vacation
[/] School Year 2010-2011 will start next week.
[/] Last year's adviser is mad with us (section 3C)
[/] Mom keeps on bugging me about the adviser thing.
[/] My brother keeps on bugging me with his mousehunt account
[x] Rest

who wouldn't be crazier then? ;P


I was just wondering, if he loves me, why does he need someone else to say it for him? If he misses me, why does he need his cousin to say it for him? Why can't he just say it himself? Maybe he's afraid? he's shy? Whatever his reason is, I don't think that's fair. :( It breaks my heart (I guess).

But it's not fair to say that it's only him who's shy. Who's afraid. I couldn't even say that I miss him or I love him. :( But, whenever we're talking, in my head, I'm saying those words.

We're both LOSERS! >:( and I hate it. Why can't we just open up and say what we feel for each other and those stuff. :'( I mean, just to end expecting something that can never be given, assuming every word one says is true, and loving each other in secret. What the Hell is wrong with him? with me? with us? Why are we shy to one another even though we've known each other for YEARS! I guess we're afraid of what people would think. But I think, people don't give a damn as much as we think they do. For short, most of them don't care. So, why the hell are we caring about them. They don't feed us? They don't own us! Life is fair. It's the way we think that life's unfair. Can somebody tell him to say whatever he wants to say and don't let someone say it for him. :'( I want to cry. Ooh, God. :(

I know what you're thinking. You're thinking that I must've gone drama or even crazy. Whatever you think, I don't give a damn. :P That's how I feel. And you can never change that.

I wonder what would his reaction be when he reads this.

P.S.: I'm feeling okay now. At last! I've poured my emotions in here.

I'm Holding the Sugar!

Around 8:00 a.m. today, my brother and I decided to prepare avocado shake since it was hot and we're getting thirsty already. So then, we went to our grandma's house which was just across our house. There I prepared the ingredients (milk, sugar, avocados, water, cups, and ice) while my younger brother brought out our grandma's blender. We put slices of avocados, milk and water. When my brother pressed the button that would make the blender start, it didn't start. And I walked away from the counter holing the bag of sugar and I was like: " I'm holding the sugar. " I didn't know why I've said that but, yeah, I was quite afraid that because of us, my grandma's blender got broken. :s They (my aunt and my brother) were quite laughing at me. Anyway, my brother tried to turn it on again and atlast! The blender worked! :D We let out a sigh of relief. whew! ^^, It went well for 4 minutes, until it automatically shut down. We were like: " OH MY GOD! It's broken! " And thus, all eyes were fixed to my brother. My brother turned red, he knew it's broken and he knew he WILL be BLAMED for it. My aunt started scolding him a little bit. My brother was stunned and couldn't say anything. The shake was half-done and it's like baby food flavored avocado. In my head, I said: " I'm NOT eating that. " But we had no choice and God knows, while I was eating that I can't help thinking of baby food. >.< Anyway, we tried to fix the broken blender and thank God! It worked again. So, we made another batch of avocado shake, this time it's fully done.

Hello, Yellow!

Good morning! I'm up for another wonderful day (i hope it would be a great day)! I just finished updating almost all of my accounts:
[/] FaceBook
[/] Plurk
[/] Tumblr
[/] Twitter
[ ] Blogger (well, this would be updated now)

You know what? I love my blogger account even though I've just used it for a day. :) I love it even more than my tumblr account. :) Though I have to adjust to the environment here. Since I can't use html codes in my description. And unfortunately, I'm fond of putting and playing with html codes in my profile, and I'm dying to put one or maybe more in my profile here. D: Well, I'm talking balderdash here just to post something with sense and all.

I have nothing else to say now, so, I'd end this post here.

good night kisses ♥

Um. I guess, I'd be off for the night. :) Even though it's still 10:00p.m. I already have to sleep since I'd be in BIG trouble if I don't. So, I guess, this would be my last post for the night. :) bye² :*

kiss and tell ♥

Well, this is my first blog post in here, but it's not my first time to blog. :) I'm fresh in here. I'm just adjusting to the new "environment" obviously, it's not that DIFFERENT for tumblr, but still there are sort of major differences. Well, enough of those stuff.

Around 6:00 p.m. this day, I received a phone call from my childhood friend / ex-crush let's call him Francis. I wasn't expecting any phone call today so, I was quite surprised to hear him on the line. I was quite happy though, since he was a good talker and he can brighten my day just by talking NON.SENSE.. He was talking to me and every time he pauses there comes a small voice saying " i love you " , " i miss you " and all those stuff. I was quite surprised since I thought he was the only one on the line. upon hearing those whispers, I asked: " what did you just say? " the whisper comes back again and repeated the words: " i love you ". In my mind I was like: "WTH are you saying?!" but I merely said: " you're joking. " Then he confessed that the whisper was his younger cousin. (they're making a fool out of me. --") anyway, he introduced me to his cousin through the phone. I was annoyed and had fun at the same time while talking to these two lunatics. His cousin kept on repeating that Francis loves me, misses me and all those stuffs. He even said that Francis wants to take me to a basketball game (i hoped it was to NBA, but it's not) which I am fully aware of. I didn't really rejected it but.. nvm. His cousin even asked me if i love Francis. God knows i love him as friend even more. I just answered as a friend, i love him ( i know I'm playing safe, who wouldn't if your WHOLE family is with you [ since I'm in the living room] during the call. Next question shot me right through my heart. :s " do you miss him? " God knows I do. I would be lying if I'd say no. :P as I've said I've been playing safe so " i don't know" was my answer. He said: " repeat it, please, i liked it." and I was like: "Oh My God! just shut up, okay?!" I had fun for that 30 minutes phone call.

Francis is my childhood best/special friend. We call each other: "SF" (special friends). He's crazy, sometimes annoying, God-fearing though, good friend, fun to be with, at times he can be a bully but most of all he's a gentleman. He won't let a girl cry instead he makes 'em smile. He's the best guy friend I've got. I love him for being that. :) You know what, I don't really write something about him about us. I'm afraid that my friends will tease me since we have had an issue about us back then. Almost every body thought we had a boy-girl relationship. Even my closest friends believed that we're boyfriend and girlfriend. And I don't want him to know what I really feel. You know like those " I fell in love with my best friend " love stories? I can relate to them. Yeah, whatever. :| Anyway, I hope he wouldn't read this. or else I'm DEAD. :)

THANK YOU for your time reading this. :)
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